1. Ice Breaker: Drawing test for the whole class ( draw for five minutes).
2. Mr. Mo Five minute drawing demonstration.
Mr.Mo 示範五分鐘繪圖
3. Introduction of my professional Career.
Mr.Mo 介紹個人的專業職涯
4. Overview of what Mr. Mo is going to share in the workshop.
Mr.Mo 說明今天將要與各位分享的課程內容
4.1 Demystifying Art. 藝術揭秘
4.2 Share my Art Philosophy. 分享 Mr.Mo 的藝術哲學
4.3 Share basic principle of art and storyboarding in a language you can understand, remember, and apply.
4.4 Share the mindset of an artist and how you can use that in every area of your life, and not just “art.”
4.5 How to become a professional storyboard/concept artist in the industry.
5. Introduction of Mr. Mo’s art journey: How I got here.
介紹 Mr.Mo 自己成為藝術家的職業發展過程
1. Demystifying Art: 藝術揭秘
1.1 We are born as Artists. 我們天生就是藝術家
“All children are born artists, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.” - Pablo Picasso
1.2 We “know” already what good art is. 我們已經知道什麼是好的藝術
1.3 What is “ART”? The Act of Self-Expression. 什麼是“藝術”? 一種自我表達的行為
2. What is Visual Art?
2.1 A Universal Language. 一種全球通用的語言
What if you could speak the world’s language? 如果能夠說這個世界的語言將會如何?
Speaks to the Heart.
3. You are “Not” Learning “Art.”. You are learning “knowledge” to “Express” Art.
"All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self-knowledge" - Bruce Lee.
4. Art Philosophy 藝術哲學
4.1 Entertainment vs Art. 娛樂 v.s 藝術
You are not a clown. You are a magician. 你不是小丑,而是魔術師!
The job of an artist is to express him/herself to the world.
Entertainment is a byproduct of your Art. 娛樂是從藝術所衍生出來的副產品
5. Time to pay the bills
What are Storyboarding and basic art rules? 什麼是分鏡繪圖與藝術的基本規則?
1. What is Storyboard: a sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue,
representing the shots planned for a movie or television production.
1.1 In Simple English: If scripts are a written way to communicate,
Storyboards are a visual way to communicate with the crew and clients.
1.2 Productions States: Preproduction, Production, Post-Production. 影片製作的三個階段:前期製作、拍攝、後期製作
Storyboards are done in the Preproduction, and works closely with Directors and Producers.
2. Why is Storyboarding essential?
2.1 Because it saves time and times equals Money.
2.2 Storyboards (and script) are the foundation on which the project is built on.
2.3 Boardmatics (animatic done using storyboards) is boring, the project will be boring.
3. Basic Art Rules
3.1 Contrast. 對比
Hue (Color). 色相
Saturation. 飽和度
Value (Light vs Dark) 明度
Shape. 形狀
Texture. 紋理
3.2 Composition. 構圖
Rule of 3rd. 三等分法
Foreground / Middle Ground / Background (a paper is…. 1D). 前景、中景、背景
Balance. 平衡
Reading from Left to Right / Direction. 從左到右的閱讀方向
3.3 What’s your story? Use or break the rules to share your story.
1. Storyboard technical Rules
1.1 Camera Shots / Angles. 攝影機的畫面尺寸與角度
Wide / Medium / Close Up / Extreme Close Up. 遠景 / 中景 / 特寫 / 大特寫
Cowboy Shot. 七分身鏡頭
Fisheye shot. 魚眼鏡頭
Low Angle. 低角度鏡頭
High Angle. 高角度鏡頭
2. Use of Arrows: Arrows are used to show the movement of camera or objects in the scene.
2.1 Zoom In / Zoom Out. 鏡頭拉近 / 鏡頭拉遠
2.2 Till Up / Till Down / Till Left / Till Right. 上下左右移軸
2.3 Pan Up / Pan Down / Pan Left / Pan Right. 上下左右搖攝
2.4 Camera Rotate: 90 / 180 / 360. 90 度 / 180 度 / 360 度旋轉攝影機
3. What’s your story? Use or break the rules to tell your story.
1. The Art of Learning / Human Anatomy: “Do thine own work, and know thyself.” -Plato 學習藝術與自我剖析:柏拉圖:做自己的工作,認識自己
1.1 Our Anatomy. 自我的剖析
1.2 Who are you? The body, mind, and Heart. 你是誰?你的身體、心靈與心理
1.3 Your Heart knows: "Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become." – Steve Jobs 你的內心知道:史蒂夫賈伯斯:勇敢跟隨你的心和直覺,因為它們知道你真正想要的是什麼
1. How to become a better Artist:
1.1 Talent vs Hard Work 才華 v.s 努力
If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all. -Michelangelo
只要人們知道我多麼努力來獲得我的技藝,它便完全不會看來如此的令人驚奇 – 米開朗基羅
The Pianist who gave her whole life. 給了她一生的鋼琴家
1.2 The Learning Curve 學習曲線
Unconscious incompetence. 無意識.無能力
Conscious incompetence. 有意識.無能力
Conscious competence. 有意識.有能力
Unconscious competence. 無意識.有能力
1.3 Treat Art as a Sport 藝術有如運動
Have a mentor / a coach / a professor. 找一位顧問、教練、老師
Deliberate Practice vs random practice (10,000 hours). 刻意的練習 v.s 隨機的練習 10000 小時
Don’t follow your feelings / just do the work. 不要看心情做事、儘管去做!
Block out Time. 騰出你的時間
Delivery date / Goal. 交付的日期與目標
Create Extraordinary habits. 為自己創造一個卓越的習慣
Be optimistic / Play to win (the victim vs the hero). 正面樂觀、成為勝利者(受害者 v.s 英雄)
Do not try! (Do or No not. there is try.) 做與不做
Do What you LOVE. 做你真正喜愛的事情
1. How to become a professional Storyboard Artist: 如何成為專業的分鏡繪圖藝術家
1.1 Basic Skills needed: 必備的基本技巧:
Basic Drawing skills. 基本的繪圖能力
Good sense of composition. 良好的構圖能力
Good team player. 成為團隊的一份子
Speed (15~25 Frames per day). 有效率的繪圖速度(平均一天完成 15 ~ 25 個分鏡畫面)
1.2 Have a portfolio with mixed styles. 具備各種不同風格的作品集:
Action Scene. 動作場景
Drama scene. 戲劇場景
Cars are popular. 汽車類型的分鏡圖是普遍受到歡迎的作品集
1.3 Contact storyboard agencies. 與分鏡圖代理商接洽
Be ready to work on low paying projects at first. 一開始要對低報酬的工作專案有心理準備
Build your resume. 建立自己的履歷表
Pros: 優點:
The money is good ($500~$800 per day). 薪資水準較佳(平均每天的收入為台幣 15,000 - 24,000 元)
Work on amazing projects.接觸的大多是非常棒的專案
Meet great people.可遇到非常頂尖的專業人士
Cons: 缺點:
You are working on someone else’s project. 你是為其他人的專案工作
The deadlines are usually tight.交稿時間通常很急迫
You must be always on call.你必須隨時待命
2. Live Your Life. Express who you are. Inspire the world. 活出自己、表達真正的你、為世界帶來啟發!
1. Q & A
Additional Information
1. 請當天參與課程的同學攜帶一本筆記本,用來進行繪圖練習及紀錄上課所學到的內容
2. 由於課程進行中所展示的教學素材與內容均有智慧財產權,為尊重演講者,全程請勿錄音、錄影 |